User Experience Portfolio

This is my UX portfolio, showcasing my UI design and user experience devliverables skills like wireframing, prototyping, use case writing, testing, etc.

Recent Projects for Work

Creating the Case for A Patients Section of

With the feedback our team had gotten from in-house clients within the businesses and the type of content that had been developed at the time I felt there was a strong case to be made for a patients-focused level to the site for HCPs to direct people to. I managed this project, which sadly was abandoned just as we were ready to build content due to a change in corporate management.

Here is a sample of the use cases I built in Word and the wireframes I put together in InDesign:

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    Use cases with personas

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    Low fidelity wireframe

Brainstorming for Restructing Site Nav

UI project where our group was exploring strategies for restructuring the site nav in response to C-suite feedback so I used my taxonomy and site architecture knowledge of the site to research a recommendation based on more super topic level care areas and created mockups for how this new menu interface could work.

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Research, Empathy Maps and Personas

Information Architecture, Feature Lists and Card Sorting

Wireframing, Protyping and Testing